One of the fundamental issues regarding the field of development is the amount of optimal and logical utilization of human force abilities and skills in every society. The role of employment is undeniable in human life and it can be considered as the center of human and social relationships. Half of these human forces are consisted of women, whose ignorance or even not using their abilities in proper situations, would cause huge and sometimes not compensable damages to the procedure of growth and development. This research aimed to investigate why women are not used in higher levels of management. The obtained results indicated that unfortunately, in our country, due to various factors such as social, religious, patriarchal sovereignty, costumes like the prevalent imagination of man`s ability over woman and many other limitations that have been injected to the mind of general people, no woman has the ability to have access to higher levels of government. If anyone has this ability, due to limitations in working environment, she wouldn`t want to have in such degrees.