International Joint Polish-Swedish Publication Service


The International Joint Polish- Swedish Publication Service (IJPSPS) is a peer reviewed multi-disciplinary, scientific quarterly publishing journals serves scientific information, studies, and scientific outcomes of various international scientific & industries institutes and forums.

The Manuscripts for publication in IJPSPS are accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication. Manuscripts with multi-authors imply the consent of each of the authors. Submission of manuscript to IJPSPS is considered to imply that it has not been either published or not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Type of Manuscript

  • Review articles: These are the critical surveys of novel literature & studies in the field of literature research. The review article should bring up the most important current topics or present interpretative and critical accounts, but not simple compilation, on subjects of general interest. The work need not be complete; however, supporting experimental data must be described. They should be around 15-20 pages.
  • Research Article: original research article should consist of unpublished results of original research, which must be presented in detail to comply the reproducibility of the described experiments and desired output. This research article should reveal design of experimental studies that gives a significant contribution to knowledge.
  • Technical notes: Technical notes are asked to have new, important information which has not been published elsewhere and to be considering for immediate publication as a need. A statement showing the reason for urgent publication is to be given by author. The limit for technical note is it should not exceed 5-6 pages. Authors are requested to mention the reason why the manuscript should be treated as a technical note in the cover letter.

Cover Letter

Submit the article, along with cover letter providing following information

  1. 1. Authors full address and telephone/fax number.
  2. 2. Mention the type of article (Research, Review Technical note) along with the title, the type of subject & journal name.

The corresponding author should mention the undertaking that if any animal studies carried was in accordance with their country or institutional ethical committee and also state that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere or even under consideration for publication.

Cover letter Download

The manuscript of a research article should be arranged as follows:

First page: Title, Full name of Authors with (*) on Corresponding author's name; Complete name and postal address of affiliation of each author with telephone numbers and e-mail.

Please refer Second page: Abstract and keywords (3-6).

Third Page to last: In following order:

  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results & Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements
  • References

Manuscript Layout specification: Manuscript to be prepared in Microsoft Word document in A4 page for formatting and style refer table I below.

Page Specification: Portrait, Margins: Top 1", Bottom 1", Left 1", Right 1".


Journal Article

Author(s) of article, Title of article, Journal title (full name), Year of publication; Volume

number (issue number): Page numbers.

Sebastien, H., McAllister, D.V., Allen, M.G., Prausnitz, M.R., Microfabricated Microneedles: A Novel Approach to Transdermal Drug Delivery, J. Pharm. Sci., 1998, 87(8), 922-925

Books and other Monographs

Author(s) of Book (Surname initials). Title of Book. Edition. Publisher; Place of publication;

Year of publication.

Chapter or Article in a book:

Author(s) of Chapter (Surname initials):

Title of Chapter. In: Editor(s) name, Editors. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication, Page numbers. Deodatt A., Abu T., Serajuddin M. Preformulation Testing, E.R. Squib, Pharmaceutical Dosage Form: Tablet, Vol 1, 2nd Edition. New York: Marcel Dekker ; 1989; 1-75


Gerstel, M.S. and Place, V.A. Drug Delivery Device, US Patent No. US 3, 964, 482, 1976.

Website Source:

Website link (Retrieved/Accessed on Date)

Manuscript Submission

Submit your manuscript in IJPSPS to [email protected] or use Submission system

along with the cover letter.

Copyright © 2024 International Joint Polish-Swedish Publication Service. Authors retain copyright of their article if they are accepted for publication.