One Of The Disorders That Afflict Today Been Widespread And Especially Teenage Population, Is Called Of Social Anxiety. The Main Symptom Of Social Anxiety, Anxiety Is Permanent And Is Excessive. People With This Disorder Fear Being Judged Constantly, Evaluation, Criticism, Contempt And Ridicule On Them. The Aim Of This Study Was To Investigate The Effect Of Narrative Therapy In Reducing Social Anxiety And Improve Social Interactions Teenagers Junior High Schools In Shiraz. In This Quasi-Experimental Study Was Conducted Using Two Experimental And Control Groups, 90 Students Selected By Convenience Sampling And Randomly Assigned To Experimental And Control Groups. The Findings Suggest That Social Anxiety And Social Interaction Scores Of The Experimental Group Was Changed After Narrative Therapy. This Means That Narrative Therapy Reduces For Social Anxiety And Strengthen Social Interactions Experimental Group Compared To The Control Group.