International Joint Polish-Swedish Publication Service

The Fast and Effective Way to Improve Color Image Based On Fuzzy Logic and Histogram

Gracjan Grzeskiewicz, Izolda Kijek, Janusz Zientek


Abstract: In this paper, a new algorithm based on fuzzy logic and histogram is presented to improve color images with fewer contrasts. This method is more computationally faster than current methods and other advanced upgrades. This method is based on two important parameters: M and K, where M is the average intensity of the image and is calculated from the histogram and K is the parameter of contrast amplification. The given RGB image is taken to the HSV color space to preserve the color information inside the original image. Component V is the only one compared to the conventional contrast and advanced algorithm to improve the image. All of the above methods are based on the principle of shifting the asymmetric histogram of the original image to a uniform histogram. The performance of different algorithms of contrast increase was evaluated based on visual quality, Tenengrad function, CII, and computational time. The internal comparison of different methods was carried out on different color images with a little contrast. Based on the functional analysis, we conclude that the proposed fuzzy logic method is suitable for increasing the contrast of color images with low contrast.

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