International Joint Polish-Swedish Publication Service

The Effect of Trademark and Brand Equity Aspects on the Consumers’ Response

Theodore Cruz, Malcolm Rivera, Jan Soto, Jacquelyn Collier, Juan Lawson,


Nowadays, according to the wide expansions in the technologies and facilities, the companies are seeking to stabilize their brands via performing vast advertisements. In between, the companies devising methods to win customers’ loyalty to their brands are more successful. The awareness of the brands and trademarks influences the customers’ quality of perception and it directly leads to their loyalty. Also, the brands have found their way to a great many of the human life aspects recently. Brands influence the lifestyle and culture and they are even occasionally indicators of lifestyles and culture. Brands are penetrating to the individuals’ personal lives and they may influence their values, beliefs, policies and even their souls. Trademark causes the seller or the manufacturer to be identified. The present study makes use of a descriptive method and aims at investigating the effect of a brand on the various aspects of consumers’ lives as well as the customers’ loyalty and responses. According to the various analyses of the brand and its effect on the customer loyalty as presented herein and also considering the prior research that has been undertaken in this regard, the results were indicative of the existence of a positive and significant relationship between brand and brand equity and customers’ loyalty.

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