International Joint Polish-Swedish Publication Service

Providing a Risk Assessment Approach of Knowledge-based Firm Projects using ANP-RFMEA Technique

Stefan Ahlström, Ruben Ljungman, Jeanette Mikaelsson


A firm which pays close attention to develop a new product, market attendance and innovation commercialization aspects, has been described as a knowledge-based firm. Since in such firms, an investment is focused on innovation and commercialization, so lack of attention to economy and market risks may cause considerable damage to the firm. In order to take preventive measures toward reducing the risk effects and damages and losses incurred by these firms, it is necessary to apply a powerful and effective method for identifying and rating of real risk. Risk identification and prioritization are considered as the most effective stages of risk management procedure. For this reason, this paper seeks to analyze the project risk in knowledge-based firms using a combination of risk failure mode and effect analysis (RFMEA), analysis network process (ANP) techniques. In these techniques, EMEA parameters are related to each other in the grid form which led to aggregation of benefits and capabilities in the ANP-RFMEA method compared to FMEA. After studying the literature and reviewing the results of studies in this research domain, this paper identifies projects risks of knowledge-based firms and provides it for the relevant experts in the form of a verified questionnaire. The results were then ranked and analyzed by an integrated approach using FMEA and Analytic Network Process. At the end, the capabilities of the above-mentioned technique in risk rating was shown compared to FMEA method.

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